Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mom and Dad
SO im back on again and i think ill get on in a couple of hours and send you some pictures if you'd like. This week has been so...different. I had a couple of hard days this week because i wasnt receiving an answer to prayer right away but we had a devotional on tuesday and it told us that God gives us answers when HE see's fit. not our timing but his , and i cant describe how much that helped. i spoke with one of my teachers that i really look up to about it and he helped me by giving some awesome advice. He told me that when you're trying to receive an answer to a question, the Lord doesnt always just give you everything. he told me that i needed to come to Him with what i thought the answer was and to tell Him what i believe and only then would He answer me. I received such an incredible witness to my question that my testimony in prayer has increased ten fold. The language is still coming along pretty well. i memorized the whole first vision in Latvian two days ago and i feel pretty confident about it but i know that it's only through Christ that im starting to learn. MTC is going great still of course. conference was incredible too. so many missionaries that all have the same drive in the same room together, listening to apostles speak was truly awesome. I got so much from it and i hope you did as well back home. My companions and i are getting along so well which is a huge blessing. The Swede is my companion for the most part and we have some great times playing frisbee in the halls of our dorm or shooting those almonds you sent me with our gigantic (probably not approved) slingshot. we are having a blast. Everything at home going alright? im glad to hear that kel is still coming over, i know she loves you guys so much (probably more than me). Thanks a million for the package too, they really really help. It's like Christmas morning when i see that i have a package to get picked up. im not really craving anything but buttered popcorn. weird i know but if you could send me a million bags next time that'd be so good. haha my companions go crazy for american food. they want me to ask you if you could send tootsie rolls, red vines and reese's pieces haha their names are Elder Johansson, Elder Mead, and Elder Martinez. Im doing so good here mom and dad. I know that ive been placed here in the MTC at this time, in this place, with these people. Es Tevi Milu. Ill send some pics soon. Talk to you soon!
   -Elders Vebs

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