Monday, April 15, 2013


Family     Gimeni!

Hey!  Greetings from the MTC!  Elder Webb here.  Sorry about the email today, little bit of a scheduling conflict on my part.  I hope you enjoy the pictures though.  I have been taking SO many.  Oh I hope you enjoy your "Hi Momma Webb" pic haha.  She's a goof but a ton of fun.  Her name is Sister Bezdian and makes me cry laughing every day.  Send her a letter if you feel like it!  My zone here is wicked fun.  We have (here it goes...) Sister Mosreal, Sister Jack, Sister Bates, Sister Stout, Sister Woodland, Sister Orsmby, Sister Cloward, Sister Suttner, Sister Bezdian, Sister Nilson, Sister Blanchard, Elder Martinez, Elder Johansson and Elder Mead and me!  My district has far too much estrogen.  My branch presidency here are alright.  President is a good man who gets distracted very easily, I know what you are thinking...we must get along.  No, jerks haha.  no I am very close with the branch presidency which is way good because I'm here for another 7 weeks.  Brutal, but I love it.  Everyone LOVES my tie collection so eat that haters, cough cough...MOM!  Latvian this week was pretty cool this week.  Honestly it started off pretty rough, but I memorized the entire first vision in flawless Latvian...ha!   It's definitely a little messy at places but I have it memorized none the less.  My teachers consist of Bali Brabazon, Mills, Thompson and Masa Mills.  We all get along very well.  Brali Mills is the man and we're becoming best friends.  I'll definitely talk and hang out with him after the mish.  As far as homesickness goes, its kinda hard to explain.  I miss all of you and love to get/give letters but I know this is where I'm supposed to be so I can't think of being anywhere besides Latvia.  The food here destroys your stomach and the lack of exercise kills me.  Oh!  I am playing volleyball every week though but only for almost an hour each day.  I'm really close to the state side Spanish speaking Elders so I'll have to send you some pictures I've taken.  I hang out with them, my Greeks of course, and the Italians all the time.  My patriarchal blessing told me that I'd make eternal friends on my mission and I can already see those forming.  Alex and Elizabeth!  Get your blessing!  Fast and prepare to get it for as long as you see fit and then get it!  It is so helpful to have a roadmap of your life.  It gives me a sense of direction and fulfillment as I see those things come to pass.  Mom and Dad, you're the best.  Thank you for supporting me while I serve the Lord.  I see Elders that don't have that and it makes me so grateful for our family.  Buzzy!  What up Brotha?  Don't waste as much time with silly video games and movies as I did.  Get outside and accomplish things.  You'll miss high school sports and ultimate Frisbee games when you're on your mission I promise.  Kota and Aspen!  I MISS YOU.  And everyone else that sees this.  Thank you so much for the prayers and support.  You'll never realize how much that has helped me.  Es Tevi Milu!
-Elder Webb

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