Friday, November 21, 2008


Mi familia,
These two weeks have flown by. It's amazing that I have been here this long. It really does not feel like it. Guess who got to sit 20 ft away from Jeffrey R Holland, make eye contact several times and listen to him speak for 45 minutes. It was amazing. I took 5 pages of notes. MTC life is good. Me and the comps re now in the groove of things. The gospel and the lessons are coming pretty easily for me. Its the espanol that is giving me tons of grief. It's hard being in a class of people that have taken it in college and have a pretty strong grasp on it. I'm trying my best, it's just tough. ME and the comps are getting along really well. We are like brothers. Cookies are good and it would be awesome if you could send some of those Satsumas or whatever those tangerines things are. We would love that alot. I love you all. Keep the letters coming. And send pics. Love Nathan Webb-the cool Elder

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