Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Connor's first letter from Latvia

Mana Gimene!

IM IN LATVIA!!! I am assigned to Riga South right now and my companion's name is Elder Colton Bland (facebook stalk him). IT IS SO AWESOME HERE!!!!!!!!! The language is so hard but other than that it's crazy fun. Yesterday was the first time i got to go to the branch here and the members are incredible. I bet we have about 80 members and they're all incredible. It was fast and testimony meeting yesterday so i took a deep breath and decided to go up. My language wasnt the greatest but i did my best to be as happy as i could. After the meeting some babushkas (russian grandmothers) came up and told me how great i did (i think...) and one lady told me something so cool. She said that when i stood up, i had a smile that was so contagious and she saw it spread to everyone in the room and that my dimples and smile was something these people needed. it was such a cool experience. My district has two of my MTC masa's in it so it's really cool to see them a lot still. My companion is an awesome guy. I feel pretty confident with being able to get along with anybody so i'm not too worried about companions. Man it stinks to be in real life. I had to go shopping for my own food today! Like i would have died if i didn't go get it, and i don't mean just going to the fridge and having food magically being there. Also i've decided that laundry is the essence of Non-funness. We do a lot of contacting here and it gets a little hard at times. Honestly if i got a dime every time i heard "nav laika" (now lyka) i'd be so rich. Honestly it's all worth it though when someone accepts a Book of Mormon, but no worries i promise i'm smiling the whole time regardless of how hard it gets at time. Also, I swear i've already smoked about a pack of cigarettes since being here because everyone and their dog smokes here. I've been so busy i havent really had time to take any pictures but i promise ill send some next week. My mission President is incredible. He actually reminds me a lot of President Dude which is a real tender mercy. he actually loves fly fishing too! tell grandma Diann that sister boswell wants her email to write her if she wants! I really do love it here and im so grateful for the chance i had to talk to all of you on monday. It was so nice to hear you and know you're all doing great.
stories- hmmm......Well we dont really have any investigators right now because the work here is a little slow but no worries, that's going to turn around real fast. When we're out contacting i love to talk to everyone the walks past me except sometimes it's not exactly appropriate. Here in Latvia, apparently clothes aren't very important. Honestly all the girls, which is about 70% of the population here, dress like they're going to prom EVERYDAY. Honestly we do a lot of looking down because it's so ridiculous. Other than them the people here keep to themselves a lot. a lady actually yelled at me the other night for saying "good day" to her because it's not appropriate to say that to someone you dont know. Lucky for me, Mother Teresa backed me up and ended up walking with me for about an hour talking about the gospel. I gave her a Book of Mormon and told her to come to church so we'll see what happens. She kept calling me "berni" which means child hahaha she was so great. 
Im so happy im out here serving my Lord everyday, all day. i wouldnt be anywhere else in the whole world. I would GREATLY appreciate prayers for my language if you could spare some prayer time for me. Know that i pray for you all everyday and that i love and miss all of you so much. Talk to you soon!!! LOVE YOU

-Elder Connor Webb

1 comment:

Frank said...

Thanks for your uplifting letter, Elder. You will be great! The language will come, and endear you to the hearts of those you bring the gospel to. Remember, too, that those in the temple around the world are praying for your success, and to soften hearts. We love you..Brother & Sister Morgan